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Why Are You Still Single?
An Average Joe's Take On What's Really Going On In The Dating Pool And What You Can Do To Stay Afloat
“I am so over dating.”
As singles, we may have heard this statement echoed many times within our immediate dating community. Friends have stated it. Many in our social networks have stated it. Even we may have stated it at one time or another. So many singles have reached such a level of frustration with dating that is has caused them to throw up their hands in defeat. But are they honestly over it? Not exactly.
When posing the question, “Why are you still single?” to those who are actively searching for their special someone, you will likely hear replies such as:
“I’m too old.”
“I’m too intimidating.”
“I have trust issues.”
“No one will date me.”
“I want someone who’ll match my time and effort.”
“I haven’t found a serious and decent guy who wants more than a hookup.”
“Women don’t appreciate good men.”
 “Something out of my control prevents things from going further.”
“I haven’t met a guy who’s character I can trust.”
“I held onto someone for years hoping they would change.”
“I don’t trust myself to make good decisions.”
Although in recent years, dating has seemingly become an exercise in futility, and outside factors beyond our control play a part in the lack of success we experience as singles, the truth is, we as individuals have made it much harder on ourselves, if not more so, than the dating world has on us.
But there are things you can do to making your personal dating life a more pleasurable, enjoyable, and ultimately, successful endeavor.
In the first part of this book, Vince Guaglione take a deep dive into the issues that plague today’s dating world, how those issues affect the entire dating community, and how they have created an environment that has resulted in dating being held in such low regard by those who are currently immersed in it. 
The second part of the book offers up helpful advice, tips, and strategies for navigating the current dating environment, and provides guidance on how to make effective and efficient use of your dating time and effort while providing some concrete concepts to implement to set yourself up for dating success.
If you’re single and are trying to make sense of the dating world, you will find something of value within these pages. It’s a guide that will provide insight into what’s really going on today’s dating pool, and will aid you in creating a solid plan for remaining afloat.
My books are now available on a number of online platforms including Amazon, iBooks, Barnes&Noble, Kobo, Scribd, Tolino, Inktera, and others.  For links to my author page on all of these sites, please check out my Bio page.
All seven previous Narratives works are now available in one boxed set in eBook format.  If you are looking for all of these works in one place, look no further.  You'll get the entire series at a discount; only $3.99!
12/3/2020 - No Bull With Bryan​
Had a great time speaking with show host Bryan Piccirillo on the No Bull With Bryan Facebook Live broadcast to discuss dating and finances.  Bryan and I expanded on questions such as, "Who pays for the first date?", "What to do if the other person asks to chip in or pay his/her portion?", "How to approch who pays for what after the second or third date?",  "When to ask your date about his/her personal finances?", and more.  This was a short 35 minute talk but packed with a lot of good information for daters, and couple alike.
9/23/2020 - The Heart Matters with Louis Morris
In this interview, I speak with The Heart Matters host Louis Morris to discuss how I got started as a writer, what brought me back to writing, specifically journal writing, over 20 years later, and how journal writing has helped me  better understand myself and in my emotional healing following my loss.  We also discussed the impetus for trying my hand at fiction and how I wound up writing two books about the dating world.  Louis asked a lot of great questions so I was thrilled to be on the show.  You can find the interview at the following links below (Show Episode dated 9/23/2020):
The Heart Matters Website 
6/2/2020 - Last First Date Radio with Sandy Weiner​
In this interview, I speak with Last First Date Radio host Sandy Weiner to discuss the new book, Why Are You Still Single?, share my thoughts on dating in both the current COVID and pre-COVID world, and the issues that are causing a disconnect between what we as daters desire versus what we are finding as we wade through the dating waters.  I focus on a few areas where we can get better as daters and offer up helpful advice for handling what the dating world throws our way.  You can find the interview here (Show Episode #403):
Last First Date Website 
4/28/2020 - Wake Up To The Vibe with Joe Altiera​
Had a great time speaking with show host Joe Altieri on the Wake Up To The Vibe Facebook Live broadcast to discuss all things dating including some dating tips, first date do's and don't's, and how to show up authentically when meeting someone new.  We also spent time discussing some of the concepts presented in the new book, "Why Are You Still Single?" and how knowing yourself and what you need and want in a partner is paramount in achieving dating success. 
4/27/2020 - Dates and Mates with Damona Hoffman​
Was beyond thrilled to be a guest on the Dates and Mates podcast.  In this interview, I speak with show host Damona Hoffman to discuss topic such as if height really matters in today's world, some of the biggest pet peeves men have in dating, and also shared thoughts on dating in general.  We touch on the previous book, "Confessions of a Middle-Aged Shot Guy with No Game," and spent a lot of time discussing concepts presented in the new book, "Why Are You Still Single?"  This is one of the go-to  dating and relationships podcasts and I was honored to be given the opportunity to present my thoughts.
11/22/2019 - The 20 Minute Podcast with David Brower​
Was thrilled to be a guest on David Brower's 20 Minute Podcast show.  In this interview, I share my story of personal loss, how I navigated the grieving process, how I transformed my life following the tragedy, and the role I now play in aiding those who struggle with similar issues.  David asked so many great questions it's a shame we only had 20 minutes to work with.  He's an awesome interviewer and a wonderful host.  This is a very cool podcast show so I'd encourage you to give him a listen.
1/14/2019 - The Suddenly Single Show with Danielle Watson​
This is an interview I did for The Suddenly Single Show, discussing how I coped with grief after the loss of my significant other in early 2012.  In this interview, I share my story and talk about the coping strategies I used, including journal writing, that helped aid in my recovery,  This was a fabulous discussion with a lot of great questions, so I'd encourage you to give it a listen.
12/04/2018 - The Healthy Entrepreneur on 88.1 Radio with Tiffany Parker
This is an interview I did for The Heathy Entrepreneur show with Tiffany Parker.  In it, I discuss my journey through personal loss towards a transformational life of inner peace.  The show was broadcast on 88.1 FM radio on 12/3/2018, and is now available for streaming via SoundCloud.  How you will give it a listen!  The episode number is 148.
10/24/2018 - The Date/able Podcast
This is an interview I did for the Date/able show with hosts Julie Krafchick and Yue Xu. I discuss what it's really like being a short, average Joe in the dating world and also talk about societal pressures with respect to looks, how to make the most with what you've got, and how being an average Joe doesn't mean settling for being an average Joe when it comes to your dating life.  Give this one a listen!  The episode number is 15, season 7.


10/17/2018 - Clearing The Clutter Inside and Out
This is an interview I did for the Clearing The Clutter Inside and Out podcast.  It this one, I discuss with show host Julie Coraccio what it takes to be a good partner and the importance of authenticity and honoring your emotions with respect to forming and maintaining healthy intimate relationships.  The episode number is 263.
08/07/2018 - The Disruptive Love Podcast
This is the first interview I did to discuss my new book and to discuss what it's really like to date as a short, average Joe in 2018.  It was great chatting with Johnathan and David Bennett and I certainly appreciated them having me on the show to talk dating as a short, average Joe! 
04/17/2018 - Awakening To Life with Patricia Young
The interview I did for the Awakening To Life podcast is now live and available for streaming.  The interview is 30 minutes long and in it, I share my experience coping with loss, and some of the strategies I used to help pull myself out of the quicksand, and continue living, and thriving in life.  When it comes down to it, we only have two choices - either sink, or swim.  In this podcast, I share how I made the choice to swim, the struggles I faced along the way, and the things I learned throughout the process.  This was an amazing interview with an amazing transformational coach, and I was thrilled to be a guest!  
03/27/2018 - The Segilola Salami Show
The interview I did for the Segilola Salami show is live and available for streaming.  This interview is a 40 minute talk with fellow author, and book blogger Segilola Salami.  The discussion focuses on how I coped with losing a loved one, the struggles I faced along the way, and the things I learned throughout the process.  



08/23/2017 - Deadly Reads Radio Show
I was thrilled to be asked back for another talk with Lisa and Linda of the Deadly Reads Radio program.  In this interview, we spent a good portion of the time discussing loss and how I used journal writing as an aid in my healing process.  The conversation was insightful but also candid and very moving at times.  Definitely give this one a listen. 
12/6/2016 - The George Wilder Jr. Show
In this interview, I talk a little bit about how I got started as an independent author, and the struggles I faced while working through the process of emotional writing.
11/17/2016 - "Journey Into The Night" on Deadly Reads Radio
Speaking with fellow author Lisa Vandiver, I discuss my journey as an indie author - how I got started, why I decided to publish independently, the writing process, marketing, and what my plans are for my future as an author.
08/11/2016 - "You Asked, Good Men Answered" Virtual Summit
The interview I did for the "You Asked, Good Men Answered" virtual summit with Suzette Vearnon has been posted on the Social Media page.  You can access the interview directly here or via the Social page.
01/08/2016 - A Place Of Inspiration with Kenneth Todd on iTunes
In this podcast interview, I talk with Kenneth about the tragedy befallen me, which was the impetus for picking up the pen once more after many years away from it, and how the art of writing led me sent me down this path of self-discovery.  This was a pretty powerful and emotional interview. 
7/29/2015 - "Don't Box Me In" with Lana Reid on Talk Zone
This interview is a full hour long discussion with Lana, and is posted to the Social page.   It was recorded live over the air in fifteen minute segments and in each, I go into detail about my first four Narratives works.  She asked a bunch of great questions. If you are curious to learn more about me and how I got started as an author, check this one out!  Lana was a wonderful interviewer!  To listen to the recording, click this link.

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