These works are best described as 'how to,' or 'step guide' books that aid the reader in gaining a better understanding of self.
Click on any of the cover images on this page to read the book's sample pages.
Is There More To Life Than Just This?
10 Simple Steps for Solving Your Mystery Questions of Life and Unlocking Your Happiness
“Is there more to life than just this?”
How many of us have asked ourselves this question, or something similar, at least once during our lives? How often have we looked for the answers, found none, then came away with even more questions than when we first started? How many times have we thrown our hands up in defeat and said, "I give up! This is just the way life goes and this is how it's always going to be," and have wondered why this cycle seems to repeat?
Once you entertain the possibility that there may actually be more to life than you think, and refuse to settle for what you believe to be your status quo, you start down a rabbit hole: one that is both interesting and confusing at the same time.
If you've ever asked yourself any of the following questions:
“What do the things I really want always seem to elude me?”
“Why aren’t I having success in my life?”
“What is going to make me happy?”
“Why does everyone else seem happier than me?”
“Is there more to life than just this?”
you have started down a path that seems to have no end in sight. But there is a way forward.
Questions such as these make us take pause. Over time, they weigh us down, gradually tugging at us until we feel that we need to do something to effect change. But how do we do make that change? And to take this one step further, once we are able to answer these questions, are there steps we can put into practice to achieve this desired change?
This book will give you the tools you need to identify, understand, and process your mystery question of life, and provide simple but powerful strategies that, when put into practice, will aid you in both resolving your specific questions and enhancing your level of self-awareness, making solving any future questions that much easier when they arise.
To get at the answers to life questions as difficult as these takes work, but the 10 steps presented in this book will demystify the questions and simplify the process, and will give you the tools you need to realize positive change as you continue your journey through this thing we call life.
From Thoughts To Written Words: Learn To Journal From The Soul
​ISBN-13: 978-1530443864
Did you ever keep a journal in your formative years? Have you wondered what it would be like to dust off pen and paper and try your hand at journaling as an adult? Have you ever been curious about journal writing but were unsure of how to get started? Or have you always wanted to try but found it difficult to express your thoughts?
This book provides guidance for those who want to explore journal writing but either have never tried, or have tried but had some difficulty getting started. It’s also for those who are curious about journaling as a form of self-expression and are looking for additional advice, tips, and resources to bring thoughts and emotions forward. It discusses how to get started, what to do if you get stuck, how to write authentically and without filters, how to write from the heart, how to write through depression, sadness, and grief, how to use journaling to get more in touch with your inner self, and how journaling can help you access your intuition.
Available in eBook or paperback format.